Lost or Saved, are ye?
(must read)
Doctrinal Statement
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Our Answer
--- The disagreement concerning the Acts 28:28 boundary line, the temple destruction at A.D. 70 and the out resurrection of this dispensation.
Peter, an apostle to the Gentiles
Do We Rob Peter to Pay Paul?
The Acts Reconsidered
--- A biblical difference between the Jew and Gentile.
---An answer to a Cambellite believer.
A.D. 70 Truth or Fiction?
--- An open letter to all A.D.70 believers
The Strangers of the Bible
---- This premise shows God's work with the strangers of the Old Testament who became the GentilesAll of the Act's period.
The Gentile Church
--- The truth concerning the birthday of the Gentile church.
--- The Biblical truth concerning the Soul , what is man, what is death, what is hell and what is man's destiny.
The Salvation of God Revealed
--- The salvation of God revealed in the Old and New Testament
All Men Will Stand Resurrection
The New Covenant
~new addition~
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